Reading list
Those of you who know me well know that I’ve always been a bit of a bookworm.
My first book was “The Magic Pudding” by Norman Lindsay. I read it when I was… very, very young. I want to say I was like, 2 or 3 years old.
(Don’t believe me? Ask my mother.)
Since then I’ve read a lot of books. I’ve loved technothrillers from the likes of Tom Clancy and Dale Brown, science fiction from the likes of Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov, and fantasy from the likes of… well, there was a lot.
These days I find I do most of my fiction reading on my phone on the train to and from work. This generally take the form of something like a Warhammer 40,000 novel, or a Star Trek novel.
I’ve also been trying to read more non-fiction. I prefer to consume non-fiction in audiobook format, as I find it easier to listen to while doing other things around the house. (For some reason I can never really get next to listening to fiction audiobooks…)
In any case: I’ve decided to start posting my reading list, which you can find here.
I’ll be going through and adding all the books I’ve ever read, bit by bit, as they come to mind and as I have time.
Hopefully you’ll find something interesting in there.
Till next time.
Starting over
It’s been something like eight years since I initially configured this blog. Look at the timestamp for the previous post, it was 2017 for crying out loud! (I’m not even sure whether the Disqus comments are still working, so ah, try that out if you’re reading this.)
Why haven’t I been posting?
Laziness sure, but also, I never set up a proper workflow for it.
One thing that always sucked was having to manually write the timestamp for each post. Luckily, I was able to find this great VSCode extension, Insert Date String by Jakub Synowiec, that makes it easy to insert the current date/time in a particular format (link).
Another great quality of life improvement is the Paste Image extension by mushan (link). This one lets you make it easier to paste images into posts, automatically putting the images into a directory you set up.
This admittedly doesn’t help me blog from anything other than my computer - say, my phone, or my iPad or something…
But it’s a start.
I’ll leave you with this photo from Geinoujin Kakuzuke Check 2025 O-Shogatsu Special, with Tsuyoshi “BIGBOSS” Shinjo crawling through the door reserved for losers.
I think one thing we could probably all take from BIGBOSS is to not take ourselves so seriously.
Here’s to a great 2025!
Jekyll woes
The more I use Jekyll, the more I get frustrated with the tooling. I don’t like having to set the date in the name of my posts, and I don’t like having to fill out the date field either!
Then there is of course the matter of making and naming a Git commit and pushing it to GitHub. Next time I’ve got a free moment I think I’ll have to address this workflow a bit.