Reading list
Those of you who know me well know that I’ve always been a bit of a bookworm.
My first book was “The Magic Pudding” by Norman Lindsay. I read it when I was… very, very young. I want to say I was like, 2 or 3 years old.
(Don’t believe me? Ask my mother.)
Since then I’ve read a lot of books. I’ve loved technothrillers from the likes of Tom Clancy and Dale Brown, science fiction from the likes of Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov, and fantasy from the likes of… well, there was a lot.
These days I find I do most of my fiction reading on my phone on the train to and from work. This generally take the form of something like a Warhammer 40,000 novel, or a Star Trek novel.
I’ve also been trying to read more non-fiction. I prefer to consume non-fiction in audiobook format, as I find it easier to listen to while doing other things around the house. (For some reason I can never really get next to listening to fiction audiobooks…)
In any case: I’ve decided to start posting my reading list, which you can find here.
I’ll be going through and adding all the books I’ve ever read, bit by bit, as they come to mind and as I have time.
Hopefully you’ll find something interesting in there.
Till next time.